Day 26 - Lake Biwa

It rained hard at about 4:00 am and it woke me up.  I snoozed a bit more but eventually decided to get up and explore the town. It was a quiet Saturday morning as I walked down toward the lake and I passed joggers and dog walkers but hardly any cars. It was already obnoxiously hot and humid at 6:00 am.

Lake Biwa is really pretty in the morning light... it's easy to see why it's the subject of lots of classical stories and poems and travelogues. I'm surprised that I hadn't ever taken the 10 minute train from Kyoto to see it before. I'm here this time only because we rented an airbnb place that happened to be in Otsu.

After breakfast in the apartment, we talked about plans for the day and decided it was a great day for a swim. We took the train around the lake to a small town called Omi Maiko that has a beach that's popular for swimming. The beach has coarse but pretty sand and beautiful Japanese pine trees that come within a few meters of the water. There's a buoy line that runs the length of the beach about 10 meters out and signs saying that the lake gets really deep at that point so be careful. From this point of the lake, you can barely see the mountains on the far side of the lake - it's really big.

We all swam and then got lunch - yakisoba and kara-age - from a little old lady who runs a beach inn and restaurant called Takanuma's After lunch, Ang, Amy, and Meg decided they were done and took the train back while  the rest of us swam for another hour. Unfortunately, Isa and Lila didn't reapply their sunscreen quite as well and they could have and got some sunburned cheeks and noses. Even still, it was a great way to cool off. I'll definitely be back.

This evening, Ang and I went into Kyoto to see the red gates of Fushimi Imari Shrine. We had a nice dinner together and found some aloe gel for the red girls and some food for tomorrow.




Day 45 - All the way home

Day 39 - To Kumamoto

Day 38 - Omuta Memories