Day 6 - Kichijoji Ward

Today brought back all sorts of memories. We took a train to Kichijoji and found the ward pretty easily. The building is a lot bigger than any church I was in in Kyushu many years ago, but the architecture is similar and the kindness of the people there was very familiar.

I was pretty worried that I wouldn't be able to follow the speakers and lessons, but the vocabulary and such came back pretty quickly. It was fun to have several conversations with members who have kids in Utah or who have visited before. The girls seemed to have a good experience too, despite some initial worries about not knowing anyone or understanding Japanese. I'm proud of them for being brave.

We also met a bunch of missionaries, including a senior couple from Cincinnati. It would be pretty interesting to come back and do that someday. They work in the office, but I'm not sure exactly what that means. I was reminded about why missionaries learn Japanese so quickly...
I had more conversations in 3 hours at church than I have had in the three weeks I've been here put together. Daily, extended opportunities to talk and listen to native speakers makes all the difference.

I'm looking forward to attending a couple more times here and also in other wards in Kyoto and Kyushu.

We made curry together after church and had a nice, relaxed evening. It rained this morning and was cool and cloudy most of the day. It seems that we've entered a rainy pattern -- but the cooler temps are nice. I hope we get a clear couple of days for a trip to Hakone when we can see Fuji.




Day 45 - All the way home

Day 39 - To Kumamoto

Day 38 - Omuta Memories